10:00 AM - 10:20 AM (EST)ISG PREDICTS: The Future of Work as We Know It (or not)

Organizations surviving the move to Work from Home and other restrictive measures to overcome the pandemic have learned to “adapt and overcome.”  This adaptation has led to new ways of maintaining and enhancing their customers’ experiences and loyalty while at the same time increasing both productivity and engagement for the employee.  These organizations have begun to address the Future of Work, but may be lacking two key ingredients. 

Most people are well familiar with the Digital Workplace and often equate it to the “Future of Work.”  Yet the Future of Work is more than technology and support functions from the Information Technology Team.   Going forward during this time of change, the Workplace of the Future must be able to address all its workplaces – the Digital Workplace (the technology used in business), The Physical Workplace (the places work is performed), and Human Workplace (how and by whom work is done).  

During this session, Dee Anthony, will review key prediction relating to the Digital, Physical, and Human Workplaces

Dee Anthony 
10:20 AM - 10:50 AM (EST)FEATURED PRESENTATION: The Best Stories from the Happy, Healthy, Hybrid Office

Seven real world examples will reveal how you can safely bring your employees back to the office while delivering experience parity for those continuing to work from home. We will share lessons learned from the last year in COVID testing and proactive end user experience.

Weston MorrisFEATURED PRESENTATION: The Best Stories from the Happy, Healthy, Hybrid Office
10:50 AM - 11:20 AM (EST)INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT PRESENTATION: Workplace of the Future

The intersection of people and technology does not just fuel transformation, it also enables our future of work model for the whole enterprise. Giving our people the best employee experience, enabled by the best technology is our roadmap to win, even in the face of VUCA, to thrive in the 2020s. If you can think past pandemic state, to a point where we are able to co-locate, hold group meetings, shake hands… you can start to visualize our future workplaces. And as we design the future of work, we know that today’s COVID work environment becomes our jumping off point. We will never return to the way we worked in January. We will use all the learnings from this current virtual work experience as our baseline. Don’t look back. Take the things that worked well before, and the things that work well now and let's create the future.

Robert Castello 
11:20 AM - 11:25 AM (EST)INNOVATION LAB: Back to Work

These sessions provide hands-on demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.

11:25 AM - 11:40 AM (EST)ISG INSIGHTS: The Employee of the Future

We have been talking about the workplace of the future for years. But what about the employee of the future? As enterprises build hybrid working environments with an emphasis on remote working, there will be increased use of collaboration and communication solutions offering greater standardization and integration with business applications. However, hybrid solutions can be more difficult than all employees being remote. Enterprises run the risk of creating silos of those who are in the office versus those that are remote. When inclusion is a key driver for productivity and engagement, what does getting back to “normal” actually look like? And more important, what does enterprises must do to safeguard employee productivity while keeping also an eye on work-life-balance which is in danger when the boundaries between work and private life fade?

Martin Mitrega 
11:40 AM - 12:10 PM (EST)PANEL: Evolving the Digital Workplace for the Digital Workforce - The Heart of Remote Employee Productivity

Balancing technology and humans is at the heart of digital transformation; and, in the age of mass remote working, collaboration and productivity solutions, flexible schedules, and work life balance the Digital Workplace is at the heart of supporting the dynamic nature of the current “future” workplace. What should organizations consider in order to enhance the employee experience within this new Digital Workforce. There are many aspects to consider to maximize output such as gamification, mental health assessments, cybersecurity training. With so many people working at home, how do you meet the demands of keeping people connected and maintaining operational teams and service delivery? How can you anticipate the crucial changes to your employee needs and their work locations?

Anthony Rhem Dante Myers, PhD Ankit Saxena Frank Cottle 
12:10 PM - 12:40 PM (EST)FEATURED PRESENTATION: Designing the future of work: Technologies, workforce and culture.

The pandemic has driven organizations to enforce remote working and made organizations aware that no business is immune to disruptions. Companies continue to undertake digital business transformations to create remote-work friendly digital workplace blueprints. While emerging digital technologies have redefined the future of work, they have also created a distinct culture of their own, impacting overall work experience.

As organizations prepare for the future of work, Leaders must embrace new skills to engage with employees and drive change management to improve workplace culture. They should also embrace a human-centered workplace to help organizations address the unprecedented challenges of remote working by maintaining productivity, ensuring security, and providing a seamless experience.

Join us for an insightful session to learn about:

• How to embrace disruptions to emerge stronger and more resilient • Key focus areas to create remote-work friendly digital workplace blueprints • Safe and secure return of the essential workforce back to physical workspaces

Rakshit GhuraFEATURED PRESENTATION: Designing the future of work: Technologies, workforce and culture.
12:40 PM - 1:10 PM (EST)FIRESIDE CHAT: A Workforce Fit for the Future

In this session, Christine Putur, EVP of Technology & Operations at REI Co-op, shares REI’s learning journey as they focus on creating optimal conditions for teams to do their best work. They are driving towards a hybrid way of working, connecting and belonging.  As part of their learning journey they are re-examining everything from cultural and behavioral norms to policy, technology, and operational practices. Given the current dynamic environment, REI has established guiding principles to inform decisions as they test and learn into a new way of working; they are excited to both share their story and to learn from others in the industry.


These sessions provide hands-on demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.

1:15 PM - 1:30 PM (EST)ISG INSIGHTS: Customer Care – Providing a Seamless & Effective Experience

Customer Care has always had shifting goal posts, with ongoing process changes, additional channels to serve, in-house/outsource and that’s not even taking into account the technologies being used to serve your customers. Add to this the work from home need that COVID 19 has added to the mix, then it’s not a surprise that many organizations have been stretched and we’ve seen 3 years worth of change in as little as 6 months. What have we changed? What did we learn and what will stick around for the long term? Join Contact Centre & Automation specialist Wayne Butterfield for a whirlwind 15 minutes packed with hints & tips on weathering the COVID storm and setting up for future success in your customer care department.

Wayne Butterfield 
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (EST)PANEL: Improving the Digital Customer Experience

When looking at the technologies that support representatives in their roles, automation tools, such as chatbots, are necessary for keeping pace with customer demands and helping staff work efficiently. The migration to the cloud has also created new opportunities for integration, automation and artificial intelligence in contact centers and service desks. When customer experience is at the heart of people strategy, how do you ensure your customers are receiving the level of attention that they are looking for? Our panel of experts will discuss questions such as:

• How can you utilize AI and cognitive technologies to help predict and prevent issues and assist users through self-help?
• How do you train contact center employees virtually and ensure their flow of information is secure?
• What are examples of how the application of automation, AI and analytical technologies have improved workplace support operations and reduced incident tickets?
• How can video and collaboration tooling provide an improved customer experience?

John Sandoval Brian Clancy Felicia Jones Anis MungapenPANEL: Improving the Digital Customer Experience

These sessions provide hands-on demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.


Entrepreneurs behind innovative solutions will each present pitches on why their technology is best and how it will add the most value to business. After some tough questions from our judges, the audience will have their chance to vote on which technology they are more likely to implement within their own organizations. Who should win this startup challenge?

Gianna Giavelli Dee Anthony Muriel Clauson Graham Anenberg Garry Stanis Brennan McReynolds Sarah DiazISG STARTUP CHALLENGE
2:45 PM - 3:00 PM (EST)DAY 1 CLOSING THOUGHTS Dee Anthony 
10:00 AM - 10:20 AM (EST)ISG PREDICTS: The Secret Sauce – Virtual Environments & the Need for Strategic Organizational Development

Your operating model is either optimizing your workforce to reach its fullest potential or disabling your workforce from even scratching the surface of what might be possible. Culture Cultivation and Mindset Modifications are necessary to achieving results in hot areas such as AI, Cybersecurity, Productization, Cloud, and of course,  Workplace of the Future. Hear from ISG’s Missy Lawrence-Johnston as she forecasts which approaches, grounded in neuroscience, are the most effective to changing behavior to actualize human capital benefits.

Missy Lawrence 
10:20 AM - 10:50 AM (EST)INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT FIRESIDE CHAT: The Workplace of the Future, Enabled by Technology

Digital Transformations require companies to be nimble and ready to respond to changing circumstances. CBRE created Host a few years ago in response to their clients’ need to provide a better workplace experience backed by innovative technology and services. With the advent of COVID-19, CBRE was able to take the product offering a step further to help their clients in their return to work journeys. Our event chairman (to be confirmed) sits down with Brennan McReynolds, Senior Vice President and Global Head of Host, CBRE’s digital workplace experience platform, to learn more about how CBRE Host took shape and what its future holds.

Dee Anthony Brennan McReynolds 
10:50 AM - 11:20 PM (EST)FEATURED PRESENTATION: Navigating Employee Experience in Ubiquitous Workplace: Emerging Technology, Innovation and Intelligent Platforms

The term "boundaryless enterprise" describes the enterprise of today and  the future as well as of its employees. The enterprise model of today is fluid, highly adaptive and built on the ubiquity of computing resources. A boundaryless enterprise coupled with an increase of ubiquity of computing devices and work activities infiltrates the home with ease and spontaneity. For employees, this has led to "the always-connected lifestyle" where an enterprise and personal resources are perpetually accessible and  interchangeable. Wipro’s LiVE Workspace ensures that any enterprise irrespective of its scale and size or business vertical can embrace technology accelerators which create a frictionless and  seamless employee experience to access enterprise resources from anywhere, any device, any time in a secure manner. Moreover, it also ensures that technology support teams adopt solutions and processes which drive outcome-based services to enhance end user experience and productivity and at the same time takes care of the well-being of an employee.

Dee Anthony Manish Garg Christophe ZajptFEATURED PRESENTATION: Navigating Employee Experience in Ubiquitous Workplace: Emerging Technology, Innovation and Intelligent Platforms
11:20 AM - 11:25 AM (EST)INNOVATION LAB: Live Workspace 3.0

These sessions provide hands-on demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.

 INNOVATION LAB: Live Workspace 3.0
11:25 AM - 11:40 AM (EST)ISG INSIGHTS: Smart Offices – Can People Return to YOUR Workplace?

The future of work has changed forever.  After initially mobilizing the workforce to work at home in response to the pandemic, it is clear that a return to the workplace is in high demand for 2021.  Working from home has created unanticipated consequences for the human workplace which has driven employees to need or want to return to the office – at least for some of the time.  COVID-19 standards provide that employees are able to work safely in a secure environment where solutions such as body temperature screening, mask compliance monitoring, enhanced cleaning and sanitation, and occupancy analytics are implemented.  Flexible and adaptable workspace must meet the needs of employees who need to collaborate or innovate within your physical workplace and former nice-to-haves, such as touch-free entry, occupancy sensors, and location sensors, are now necessary to maintain safety and social distancing. Are your facilities prepared with the right IoT (Internet of Things) capabilities? What data do you need to monitor on a regular basis to ensure your employees have safety, comfort, productivity, and peace-of-mind?

Iain Fisher 
11:40 AM - 12:10 PM (EST)PANEL: Beyond & Within the Four Walls - Rethinking How Facilities & Technology Work with People

A truly “post-Covid” era has not yet arrived.  Enterprises need to consider how to increase connectivity and enhance the overall office experience, providing value beyond being a space to sit at a desk and work. When your employees want to work from home AND the office in varying ways, how can you provide a seamless integration between the physical and virtual environments in order to increase productivity? Our industry experts will discuss how you can make physical and virtual workplace smarter and more efficient by answering questions such as -

  • How should facilities and IT work to ensure that employees can work safely and securely regardless of where they are?
  • How do you support employees in this world of no-touch?
  • What are examples of what other enterprises doing?
  • The trend to incorporate XLAs (Experience Level Agreements) into the performance management regime is becoming important.  How can XLAs measure the customer experience & what is the investment required for tooling?
  • How should you leverage the latest technologies to improve your workplace support operations?
  • How should Workplace Service Teams manage their service interactions with employees?
  • What technology options are available to allow employees to book and reserve any physical workspace or provide alerts for guest arrivals?
  • What space utilization tools and dashboards are available to optimize floor space and meeting room usage?
Paige Francis Jim Kane Jayne Lerman Jeff Martin 
12:10 PM - 12:40 PM (EST)INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT PRESENTATION: Creating Vital Spaces to Empower your People and Transform your Workplace

At Sodexo, people are at the heart of our business, and with the recent, significant changes to work and life we are not content with just thinking outside of the box. Rather, at Sodexo, we find ways to break through. Work is evolving and the spaces in which we work have never been more vital and because of this, Sodexo is rethinking workplaces. Join Alfu Miah, Sodexo Vice President of Sales Corporate Services, as he discusses how Sodexo is putting people at the heart of workplace transformation. 

Alfu Miah 
12:40 PM - 1:10 PM (EST)FEATURED PRESENTATION: Overcoming Bottlenecks in a Small Dev Team – How Lendr developed 5 apps under 12 months

Join us for an interactive discussion with Nick Mates, Tech Lead at Lendr and Craig St. Jean, Director of OutSystems Center of Excellence at Netlink. Nick will share with us how Lendr delivered 5 apps under 12 months with 2 developers, and how using the OutSystems platform has impacted the digital experiences they provide to customers and employees. Key takeaways: • How the OutSystems platform revolutionized the way technology is developed at Lendr • How rapid, cost effective development paid off during the COVID crisis • Results! This impact on business, internally and externally.

Craig St. Jean Nick MatesFEATURED PRESENTATION: Overcoming Bottlenecks in a Small Dev Team – How Lendr developed 5 apps under 12 months
1:10 PM - 1:15 PM (EST)INNOVATION LAB: Innovation Through Software for the New World

These sessions provide hands-on demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.

 INNOVATION LAB: Innovation Through Software for the New World
1:15 PM - 1:30 PM (EST)ISG INSIGHTS: When Shift Happens: A New Paradigm for On-Demand Learning

Through rapid developments in technology and the massive shift from traditional to virtual work as a result of COVID-19, the way we work has evolved overnight. With little time to properly prepare employees for a successful transition, a new paradigm for learning is needed. The new world requires shifting from traditional learning models to digitally supported, on-demand learning solutions. Upskilling has become a business imperative to ensure employees can effectively use new tools such as automation, collaborative technologies, and cloud solutions to succeed in their roles. Is your organization prepared to make this shift? When traditional training models no longer work, how can organizations bridge the learning divide to provide flexible, on-demand learning experiences? How do you prioritize and optimize your digitally enabled learning strategy to develop the right skills now so your employees can thrive in the new world?

Doug Teachey 
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (EST)PANEL: Empowering Employees with Learning & Development Initiatives

The rapid shift to remote work in 2020 in response to the pandemic delivered a surge in online learning and a transformational move from face-to face to virtual leadership. Many companies turned to mobile learning to support dispersed employees, providing upskilling and reskilling in the soft and hard skills that are essential for success. New job roles and skills are needed for the new world of work, but employers must not overlook the important role learning plays in employee satisfaction and overall wellbeing. Don’t miss the opportunity to transform your teams and organization through learning and development. Our panel of experts will discuss how to help professionals realize their full potential with essential skills and information to prepare for technology transitions, and answer important questions, such as:

• How do you instill a learning culture to keep up with constant workplace transformations and existing skills gaps?
• How can you keep learners engaged in a virtual world? • What should you do to ensure technology adoption is included in workplace transformation initiatives?
• How do you educate your team on soft skills like empathy and emotional intelligence, which are vital to supporting and communicating with remote employees, especially in times of crisis?
• How do you adopt innovation to support a learning culture?
• What types of training should be used to introduce technologies such as automation, and how can you encourage employees to adopt these technologies?
• What kinds of support will increase employee satisfaction and overall wellbeing?
• What does leadership need to support learning virtually?

Summer Davies Kara Dogali DeRetta Rhodes, PhD Brad Fisher 
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM (EST)Featured Presentation: Transforming Workforce Learning & Engagement

This presentation will demonstrate how LTI has taken a “platform approach” to transforming workforce learning and employee engagement, enabling new ways of working in our  “New Next.”  We are seeing an unprecedented opportunity to shape the future of work.

Greg DietrichFeatured Presentation: Transforming Workforce Learning & Engagement

These sessions provide hands-on demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.

2:35 PM - 3:05 PM (EST)INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT PRESENTATION: Creating Community in Virtual Formats

After sitting on zoom meeting after zoom meeting, it can be difficult to delight and wow your learners. The virtual world can be isolating and disengaging. We also know that during times of disruption, finding community and connection can make all the difference. The power in creating community and connection virtually lies within the small and important details of how we gather. How we invite others to join programs, how we encourage participation and how we structure learning experiences can have a dramatic impact on program outcomes. And as we learned in 2020, you can’t just take an in-person program and run it virtually. Join us on this inspiring journey as Stacey Johnson, Head of Kraft Heinz's Leadership & Culture Academy, shares how Kraft Heinz has designed programs to build community in a virtual-only reality. In addition, you’ll also hear how the Company’s purpose and values influenced design choices that built strong networks and created more impactful learning experiences. During this session, Stacey will share reflections on: • Leveraging the Company’s Purpose, Values & Leadership Principles to create and design learning programs for impact • Designing discovery-based program activities that encourage virtual relationship building • Enlisting stakeholders and partners to reinforce opportunities to build community and connection

Stacey Johnson 
3:05 PM - 3:15 PM (EST)FINAL THOUGHTS: Turning Notes into Actions

After two days of great content, what do you do with it? ISG’s Dee Anthony will provide guidance on what your next steps should be to transform your workplace!

Dee Anthony 
Time Zone: (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) [Change Time Zone]