Manish Garg VP & Business Head, Cloud & Infrastructure Services, Europe Wipro
Christophe Zajpt CIO, Head of Consumer Experience ABB

The term "boundaryless enterprise" describes the enterprise of today and the future as well as of its employees. The enterprise model of today is fluid, highly adaptive and built on the ubiquity of computing resources. A boundaryless enterprise coupled with an increase of ubiquity of computing devices and work activities infiltrates the home with ease and spontaneity. For employees, this has led to "the always-connected lifestyle" where an enterprise and personal resources are perpetually accessible and interchangeable. Wipro’s LiVE Workspace ensures that any enterprise irrespective of its scale and size or business vertical can embrace technology accelerators which create a frictionless and seamless employee experience to access enterprise resources from anywhere, any device, any time in a secure manner. Moreover, it also ensures that technology support teams adopt solutions and processes which drive outcome-based services to enhance end user experience and productivity and at the same time takes care of the well-being of an employee.